Wednesday, July 10, 2013

"Should" is no longer allowed

This says it all.  I have been given permission not to use the word "should" and it feels so liberating.  At this point in my grief journey, there are no "should"s.

--How "should" I feel?
--Where "should" I be in this journey?
--How "should" I be spending my time?
--What "should" I do?

Instead, I will feel.  I will journey.  I will spend my time just being.  And I will give myself a break from what I "should" be doing.  And if someone tries to tell me how I "should" be feeling (you "should" be happy, you "should" be grateful, etc.), I will dismiss their comment.

This is now a "should" free zone!

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My Story

Lately I find myself moving through the days, being with others, laughing, and living life. Days pass quickly and grief, sadness, and feelin...