Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday: Day 2 Post Surgery

Great surprise today--Nurse Christina was back!!  They were short-handed and called her in on her day off.  Yippee!!  Not that we didn't like Pat, but anyone pales in comparison to Christina!  So that was a nice start to the day.

Ed had a good night of sleep the night before so that was good as well.  The swelling had not gone down.  It was most noticable in his legs but you could also see it in his torso, abdomen, arms, and hands (okay pretty much everywhere).

They got him out of the bed again and he sat in a chair for a bit.

A nutrional specialist/dietician came in and shared with us information about what kind of diet Ed would need to follow once he begins to eat.  This was then followed by a visit from an Occupational Therapist and a Physical Therapist who got Ed to standup, move his feet a bit, while they monitored his heart rate.  His heart rate was still elevated but did go up too much when he was doing this which was a good sign.

Dr. Marvelli came by and removed the dressing on his incision.  It looked pretty good...and had a lot of staples.  For those who want details, the incision runs vertically up his lower abdomen past his belly button (maybe out 10"?).  Ed let me take a picture, but I'm not posting it here (at least not yet).

Dr. Bowers came by again to visit with Ed (we really like Dr. B) and Fr. Vern stopped by mid-morning as well.

Ed's incision began to "weep"...probably from moving around and the swelling.  Nothing terrible, but definitely took several guaze pads to keep it from soaking his johnnie.

They also ordered a sonogram of Ed's legs to check for clotting.  No word on that before we left for the day. 

Ed's heart rate was still elevated throughout the day and he was much more tired today.  They tried to take him off the oxygen for a bit but then put him back on it.  They also talked about removing his catheter, but that didn't happen either today.

Still no temperature or sign of infection which is good.  Hopefully tomorrow he will feel a little better.

We'll see and I'll continue to keep you posted.

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My Story

Lately I find myself moving through the days, being with others, laughing, and living life. Days pass quickly and grief, sadness, and feelin...