Monday, May 28, 2012

Party Time!

Graduation Party time that is!  And what a busy but great weekend we had!!  Dan had left Thursday night for NYC for an interview on Friday.  So he wasn't home until Saturday night since him and Cassie stopped at Matt's graduation party in CT on the way home.  Nate and Cassie then stayed with us until Monday which was a treat.

The party was on Sunday and it was a sunny, hot day and we all had a great time.  We're thankful to Cathy for her tents and Grover for his tables which enables folks to be outside in the beautiful weather but stay cool in the shade.  We had a great turnout and it appears everyone had a good time and enjoyed the food.  I thank everyone who contributed appetizers and/or desserts--thank you all!

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My Story

Lately I find myself moving through the days, being with others, laughing, and living life. Days pass quickly and grief, sadness, and feelin...