Friday, December 18, 2009

Meeting with Surgeon

Ed and I met with a surgeon, Dr. Tim O'Brien, today. The primary purpose was to schedule surgery to have a port implanted. Ed had no doubt that he wanted to have this and he wanted this done sooner rather than later. I guess he didn't like the idea of his veins possibly collapsing from the IVs. So surgery for this was scheduled for Jan 5th.

Dr. O'Brien will also be Ed's surgeon is surgery is needed in the future. He said that if there was any blockage in the colon due to the tumor to call him immediately (vs. running to the ER) because he would know what needed to be done (which would be a colostomy--but Ed doesn't want this--but we'll cross this bridge when we get there).

We joked as we were driving home that in less than a month Ed now has a gastroenterologist, an oncologist, and a surgeon in his repertoire of doctors.

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