Monday, January 21, 2013

Mid January Already?

Where does the time go?  Can't believe it's mid-January already!

Dan spent the last three weeks in Beverly.  He went back out at New Year's and just came back this weekend (Martin Luther King weekend).  Our exciting news here is that he finally found a place to live!  It's a one bedroom apartment in Waltham about 3.5 miles from work and, better yet, no highway driving for his commute.  The 1.5 hr commute to/from Beverly every day is getting old.  He can't move in until Feb 1st but that's less than 2 weeks away.  So Dan came home this weekend so we could figure out what he had and needed for the apartment and also plan how we'll get him moved in.  Dan and I went shopping yesterday for a few essentials from glasses to dishes to simple things like a trashcan!  Needless to say, I'm having a lot of fun and can't wait to get him settled into his own place.  I know he can't wait either.  Nate and his family have been very generous allowing him to stay with them this past month and we can't thank them enough.  It is like his second family.

Ed continues with his biweekly chemo treatments and has some good days and some not-so-good days.  There are some days when he is tired and his stomach is queasy.  He also saw an orthopedist because of his shoulder pain and this was confirmed as being arthritis.  The pain in his shoulder can be pretty bad and he can't lie down to sleep because that makes it worse so sleeping has also been more difficult.  Anyhow, he did get a cortisone shot a couple days ago and we're hoping that helps.  If not, I'm not sure what our next options are.

Nothing new to report with me.  Work continues to be very busy so that leaves little time for anything else.  Me, Ed, and Dan did go to a UMass basketball game on Saturday which was a fun day just to get out and do something.  They retired Marcus Camby's number so that was neat to see as well.  I remember going to UMass games when Camby was playing--was it really almost 20 years ago?!?!

So I hope 2013 is starting off good for you.  Stay warm!!

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My Story

Lately I find myself moving through the days, being with others, laughing, and living life. Days pass quickly and grief, sadness, and feelin...