Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day & Happy Birthday Dan

Today we not only celebrate Mother's Day, but more importantly, it's Dan's birthday!  Wow, 25 years old!  And both his father and I couldn't be more proud of him.  He was always the perfect child growing up (seriously, he was!).  And we are extra proud of what he's accomplished in the last few years--earning his Masters of Architecture, landing a job in his field, and having his own apartment.  He is truly a fine, young man and I know Ed found peace knowing he was settled in and doing fine.  And I am so blessed that we have a relationship where I can count on him and know he'll be there when I need him.

In celebration of Dan's birthday, we spent time together yesterday and went shopping to get part of his birthday present.  We then had a nice dinner at Carabba's.  After we got home, we watched the movie "The Guilt Trip"--very appropriate for the combination Mother's Day and Dan's birthday.  We laughed very hard and would recommend it for any mother/son who have a close relationship.

Today we'll see family to celebrate both Mother's Day and Dan's birthday.  The weekends are way too short, but I'll enjoy every minute of it.

May you have a wonderful Mother's Day and Happy 25th Birthday, Dan!  Love you lots!!

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My Story

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