Now it wasn't something moving or mystical like in Ghost. Parts of it seemed real and current. Other parts did not. There was one part where I think we all were at the beach (although it didn't look like any beach cottage we've ever been at). It was time to pack-up and of course Ed had his own pace and routine for this that didn't flow with the rest of us, but that memory is less familiar. There's another part of that, that I can't recall. I know there's something I dreamt about, but I can't recall any detail.
But the clearer details are related to the following two scenarios.
Ed was outside getting into the Monte Carlo to start it, wanting to make sure it still started. I told him I had been starting it while he was away. I did not recognize where we were but that darn Monte was still there. And then I remember looking towards the left, which was a side entrance to whatever house we were at. Outside the entrance were a couple old chairs--more like visiting room chairs versus comfortable living room chairs. They were old and needed repair and I asked where they came from. I soon realized these were "treasures" that Ed found and brought home. And my reaction was that I had just gotten rid of all his "treasures" and he wasn't going to start saving this stuff again. And part of me was touched because it was Ed and part of me was annoyed and thought "here we go again".
The final part of the dream had me and Ed standing at the edge of the yard watering the new grass I was growing. This was in front of our house and the place was familiar. I told him I sold his van and truck and so now he didn't have any vehicle to drive. He asked me what I got for them ($$ wise) and when I told him he was pleased and that was better than he had hoped.
And that was it... Visions and conversations about practical things. Part of it I could not relate to; other parts I could. But it was simple...kinda like me and Ed. And a little bit of a reminder of the things that Ed did that annoyed me. I realize over the past 6 months, all I can see and remember are all the ways he was perfect to me and for me. But I know we weren't perfect. There were ways we both annoyed each other (although I always joked with him that there could not possibly be anything annoying about me!). You can't be with someone for over 30 years and have everything be perfect.
So it makes me smile that part of this dream was Ed telling me I did good and saw that I was taking care of things and then part of it was a reminder of those little annoyances. The annoyances that I would take back in a heartbeat.
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