Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Let the Prep Begin!

Actually, the prep began two days ago with not eating any raw fruits or vegetables, salads, nuts, etc.  Now I eat fruits and veggies every day so it was actually hard trying to avoid these for a couple days.  But I did it and I paid attention to what else I was eating to be sure I wasn't eating nuts, seeds, etc.

But the real prep began today...

 Total prep includes 4 pills and 1 1/2 bottles.

2:00 PM  I took my four laxative pills with the requisite 8 ounces of water and another 8 ounces for good measure.  I am thankful for Ed because we had these pills in his supplies of meds, so I didn't have to buy those!

The instructions said to get 64 ounces of clear liquids in today and by mid-day I had already had 72 ounces.  (There's that overachiever again.)

Nothing much happened between 2-4 PM...just some stomach rumblings and the need to run to the bathroom to pee since I was drinking so much!  (Sorry about the references to "pee" but what do you expect when you're reading about colonoscopy prep?  It's only going to get worse!!)

4:00 PM  Time for the magnesium citrate.  "Just" 10 oz--one of those small bottles.  Heck I just drank 72 ounces of water; how difficult can it be to drink a measly 10 ounces?  But, first, I decided to use a pretty glass.  Need to find some enjoyment in all of this, right?

The magnesium citrate was supposedly "sparkling, lemon" flavor.  Okay, if they say so.  It was more just sicky sweet.  Or maybe it was sicky salty.  I'm not quite sure but it had a strong taste! I sipped it because I wanted to avoid getting an upset stomach (which happened to Ed when he took the same stuff).  And I drank LOTS more water with it.  It ended up taking me about 2 hrs to get it all down.  I don't know if that's good or bad.  But at one point, I was feeling nauseous and didn't think I could take another sip of it.  But I took my time and kept drinking water with it.

I finally finished it all!  Victory!!  And soon afterwards the nausea passed.  So I felt much better.  Of course, I need to get up at 5 AM tomorrow morning and take another 5 oz of it.  Not sure how I'm going to do that!  But I have to be done by 6:15 so deadlines should help motivate me!

And without grossing you out with too much information, the BMs have been fine...not too frequent and I think almost done and it's only 8:30 PM.  I hope that's the case (I'll keep my fingers crossed).

For now though I'm continuing to drink water.  They say I can have other clear liquids like tea, coffee, chicken broth, jell-o, etc.  But I'm feeling pretty good right now and so I don't want to put anything else in my body.

I'll plan to go to bed early since I need to be up early.  Plus that will make the evening pass much quicker.  I'll try to write again in the morning.  Have a good evening all!

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My Story

Lately I find myself moving through the days, being with others, laughing, and living life. Days pass quickly and grief, sadness, and feelin...