Monday, August 15, 2011

August 15th

As you may have noticed, there has been a lack of posting regarding Ed's cancer. That is because we've been holding it at bay. He's been on the same treatment (Avastin and Xeloda) since last summer and gets the treatment once every three weeks (versus every two weeks which he was doing originally) and no side effects. Of course, we knew this couldn't last...

On August 15th he had another CT scan and this one showed some growth in the tumors and some new tumors. So upon return from our vacation in late August, Ed went back to his original treatment which included Irinotecean (as well as the Avastin and Xeloda) every two weeks.

In addition, in July we unfortunately began to deal with insurance problems with 6 months of unpaid claims. This was eventually cleared up but caused us some stress in July and August while we worked to get this straightened out between hospital billing, our doctor's office, and the insurance company.

Although claims are now being paid, we are dealing with some residuals and additional costs as our oncologist is purchasing the chemo drugs via our prescription plan to address the insurance claims. What a business!!

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