Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Other August News

Ed and his friends at Pine Grove Golf Course on "Hawaiian Shirt" Night (aka Johnny Pratt night).
Ed won this year's prize for the wackiest outfit.

In early August Dan took a road trip to Pittsburg with his girlfriend Cassie. They just went for 3 days with the primary purpose to visit his site for his thesis project. While in PA, they also went to see Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Water and then also stopped in Hershey, PA on their drive home.

Dan and Cassie at Frank Llyod Wright's "Falling Water"

Later August was going to the beach again! This time staying with my mother who rents a place for two weeks (yes, same as the last couple years)! On August 23, we were all on the beach when we felt the 5.8 magnitude earthquake centered in VA. That was quite a feeling! I was laying on the beach and it took a few seconds before I realized the ground under me was moving!!

Ed cooking on the grill at Grandma's cottage.

Dan, Grandma, and Cassie

Ed and Dan

On August 24th, Dan returned to Bristol and his last semester of school. Ed and Dan were scheduled to play in a golf tournament on August 28th so Dan came home on the 27th. This was also the weekend Hurricane Irene was hitting New England. They evacuated the beach Friday at 6 PM and then the area we were staying in needed to evacuate by 6 PM on Saturday. Thankfully we had to checkout by 10 AM on Saturday so we were home safe and sound by the time the storm hit. And thankfully so wasn't Dan.

We lost power Sunday morning and got it back about 12 hrs later. Dan returned to Bristol Wed morning even though they were still without power in Bristol, but since power was restored on campus, classes were going to begin on Thursday (one day later than originally planned). Thankfully Dan got power back that evening so he only went 1 day without power, although his landlord and his roommates went 4 days without power!

Tree down in our backyard the morning Tropical Storm Irene hit.

Quite a month of activity!! Hopefully September will be quieter!

Monday, August 15, 2011

August 15th

As you may have noticed, there has been a lack of posting regarding Ed's cancer. That is because we've been holding it at bay. He's been on the same treatment (Avastin and Xeloda) since last summer and gets the treatment once every three weeks (versus every two weeks which he was doing originally) and no side effects. Of course, we knew this couldn't last...

On August 15th he had another CT scan and this one showed some growth in the tumors and some new tumors. So upon return from our vacation in late August, Ed went back to his original treatment which included Irinotecean (as well as the Avastin and Xeloda) every two weeks.

In addition, in July we unfortunately began to deal with insurance problems with 6 months of unpaid claims. This was eventually cleared up but caused us some stress in July and August while we worked to get this straightened out between hospital billing, our doctor's office, and the insurance company.

Although claims are now being paid, we are dealing with some residuals and additional costs as our oncologist is purchasing the chemo drugs via our prescription plan to address the insurance claims. What a business!!

My Story

Lately I find myself moving through the days, being with others, laughing, and living life. Days pass quickly and grief, sadness, and feelin...